Sunday Roundup: 3/3/13

03 Mar

New Games (3-3-13)Gotta throw a shout out to David Hughes over at for these games. He was gracious enough to send them my way out of the kindness of his heart! To say I’m excited for these games is an understatement: I’ve been looking for Alundra 2 for years now, and to have it fall into my lap in a way is just a great feeling. So, to David, thank you!

And for that matter if any of you out there are looking for a loving home for your dust collecting games, look no further 🙂

Alundra 2 CoverAlundra 2
Release Date:
February 29th, 2000
Purchased at: N/A (Gift)

There are many RPGs on the PS1, a console revered for it’s role playing lineup. Alundra and the sequel here are not at the top of that list, nor are they anywhere near the highest point for that matter. But if you’re a collecting that specialized in RPGs or PS1 games, then either of the Alundra titles are great to have in your collection. And that’s why I’m happy to claim the game as my own. It’ll sit nicely next to the system’s other RPG juggernauts and it’ll be loved just as much.

Prince of Persia The Sands of Time (Xbox) CoverPrince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Release Date: November 12th, 2003
Purchased at: N/A (Gift)

I’ve only dabbled in the Prince of Persia series but it’s always been one I’ve greatly desired to play. I actually only recently completed the Sands of Time trilogy on the PS2. Even so, I was more than happy to receive the first game again on the original Xbox. I can actually see this one, with all the praise it garnered, going down as one of the greats in history. And that’ll make owning it on multiple platforms even better!

Splinter Cell CoverSplinter Cell
Release Date: April 8th, 2003
Purchased at: N/A (Gift)

The reverse of Prince of Persia, I actually already owned a copy of the first Splinter Cell on the original Xbox. Though the series never really appealed to me it’s iconic enough to belong in my collection. And for that matter if the planets aligned and I did decide to play the games I’d likely play them on the PS2 over the Xbox for the controller, if nothing else.

Splinter Cell Double Agent CoverSplinter Cell: Double Agent
Release Date: October 24th, 2006
Purchased at: N/A (Gift)

Double Agent is notable for a few reasons. It’s the last game in the series to be released on the PS2 and original Xbox. It was also released on the Xbox 360, meaning you can play the game on two different generations of consoles, something not too many games achieve unless they’re ported or converted to an HD version. Double Agent was also drastically different depending on the system you played it on, changing story elements, some gameplay aspects, and even the overarching plot. Hmm, maybe it’s not really the same game then…

Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow CoverSplinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Release Date: June 16th, 2004
Purchased at: N/A (Gift)

Pandora Tomorrow is the sequel to the original Splinter Cell but it wasn’t developed by the original studio of the first game. Sort of like Call of Duty today with each subsequent game flipping development between Treyarch and Infinity Ward, Pandora Tomorrow was made while the original crew worked on Chaos Theory. Now that I’ve acquired all three of these games I need to actually start looking for Chaos Theory to complete the Splinter Cell games on the PS2. Oddly enough I actually already own the latest game in the series on the Xbox 360, Splinter Cell: Conviction, so picking up Chaos Theory should mean owning most all of them (aside from the PSP version).



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