Side Projects Update

31 Aug

I’m not going to lie to you: I’ve been neglecting this blog for a few weeks now. It’s not for lack of content: I’ve had plenty to write about. As a matter of fact, a handful of game reviews went up in the past week, which is nice. But in terms of original content, I’ve had little more than my weekly releases of Sunday Roundups and Gaming News’. So I’ve decided to take this time to let you in on a little secret: I’ve been working a lot on other projects. I’ve also been just plain working too, which saps my energy most days, but I give you my work that Slick Gaming is not gone, and here’s why.

I know what you’re thinking right now: “Jsick, that’s a cool new logo thingy you’ve got there. What is going on with that?” Well, dedicated reader, I am in the process of revamping the site. It’s a long, long ways away, but I am working with a very talented web/graphic designer (who just so happens to be my girlfriend) and we are going to reconstruct the blog from the ground up. Unique themes, new logos, new layout, and totally new look. You know what else: I’ve even been throwing around a new name for the blog, too. Like I said, give it some time. Good things come to those who wait.

Slick Anthology

This has been something I’ve wanted to do for a long, long time (almost as long as creating Slick Gaming!). Slick Anthology is a sister site to this one, focusing entirely on my game collection as well as game collecting in general. You’ll recall my weekly Sunday Roundup articles which are largely ways to communicate which new games I’ve acquired in the week. Slick Anthology takes that one step further, cataloging each and every game I own, linking to my reviews and pictures, containing a short excerpt about the title, as well as a completion status and any other relevant information. I am very excited about this side project, but, as you might have guessed, it is taking a lot of time. Each game takes around 10 minutes to log, and with over 1,000 games, It’ll be some time before it’s officially complete.The site’s not quite up to my standards yet to be released, but when that happens you can bet that I’ll let you know!

A World of Games

My second blog might be familiar to some of you. And if not, just look to the right sidebar: there’s a link to it right there! A World of Games is a photo/video blog I manage via Tumblr. As the name might imply, it, too, is dedicated to games, but in a more specialized way. I have a collection of arcade tokens, tickets, and game cards that I’ve been hoarding for years now. With each visit to a new location, I seek out any arcades, collect my goods, enjoy some games, and move on to the next, like some sort of arcade drifter. So far I’ve got tickets from the Circle Center in Indianapolis, tokens from the Mall of America, and even items from Tokyo, Japan! I’m not trying to say that this is anything to go crazy over, but it’s been a fun hobby over the years and I’m more than happy to share my enthusiasm and joy with you all.

Those are the big projects. The ones that actually take up the most time. Outside of that I’ve got lots going on inside the synapsey mind of mine. I’m thinking a section on the blog dedicated to video game themed comic books is around the corner. I’ve been reading the Sonic the Hedgehog comics ritualistically the past months, and I’m very much addicted to the Mega Man comics as well (or the Manga, take your pick). Naturally, I don’t want them to be some shabby, thrown-together-at-the-last-minute piece, so give me some time to get them in order. I’m also working on a lot of video content: Modern Classics are back in swing, Free Plays are a fun new adventure, and I’m branching out and trying even more new ideas.

What am I trying to get at here, you say? Aside from publicly motivating me to get shit done, I’m letting you all in on the going-ons of Jsick and Slick Gaming. When I’m not at work, I’m doing something game related. If I’m not on this blog writing and creating pieces, I’m working on one of my other side projects. If you want, follow me on Twitter and get the latest Slick Gaming, A World of Games, and (eventually) Slick Anthology news, as well as anything else that’s on my mind. Alright, update complete. Game on.



Posted by on 08/31/2012 in Randomness


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4 responses to “Side Projects Update

  1. John

    09/01/2012 at 9:10 pm

    Getting stuff done! Despite, not publishing a lot. It all works out. I like your collection sister site idea, that’s something I’d like to do as well. It’s fortunate that you have an able web designer, I’m interested to see the changes you’ll make.

    • jsicktheslick

      09/02/2012 at 5:31 pm

      Thanks, I appreciate the encouragement! I’m excited to be able to get a new site design soon, but I’m thinking it’ll be something that comes much later in the year, possibly into next year.

  2. Eric

    09/09/2012 at 11:03 pm

    Cool! I really like the idea of your anthology site. You have one hell of a game collection, that’s for sure. Will be fun to see it all and check on your progress, too.

    • jsicktheslick

      09/10/2012 at 11:31 pm

      Thanks for the support! I look forward to the day it’s done and I can share it with you all. Not only because I want others to enjoy it, but because it’ll mean the project is FINALLY finished!


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